What milestones should you expect from your child at what age?
First-time parents often ask us all the time – What milestones should my child be reaching by the time they are a couple of months old?
We compiled a short list that may be useful when observing your baby’s progress socially, emotionally, language and communication-wise, cognitive thinking and even physically. All those categories seem advanced for only 8 weeks, doesn’t it? Your baby will grow and change quickly and every day you’ll see subtle changes. A note of advice: Enjoy every minute! It is truly miraculous what our little ones can accomplish months before they walk, talk or play!
Social and Emotional
1. Your baby should begin to smile at people
2. They can momentarily calm themselves by bringing their hands to the mouth or sucking on their hand.
3. They will try to look at you!
Language and Communication
1.They will make “coos” or gurgling sounds
2. They will turn their head towards a sound
Cognitive (learning, thinking, and problem-solving)
1. They pay attention to faces
2. They will begin to follow objects with their eyes and recognize people from a distance.
3. They can also begin to act “bored” by crying or being fussy if the current activity does not change.
Movement and Physical Development
1.They will begin to hold up their head and push themselves up when lying on their stomach.
2. They will also begin to make smoother movements with their arms and legs.
If for some reason you aren’t noticing some of these milestones in your child, it is important
to notify your child’s doctor with these developmental delays. We are here to help! Always remember: You know your child best! Don’t wait – because you can make a real difference by acting early.